Useful Tool App Apps

Baby Monitor Wifi 2.0
This app allows you to use two phones as ababy monitor system when both phones are connected to the samewifi. One phone is placed in the baby's room and the other stayswith the parent. The audio is sent through the wifi network so nodata plan is needed, no messaging required, no call time. Justconnect both phones to the same wifi and you're set. Start the appon each phone and follow the steps.This app transmits all audio, unlike other baby monitor appsthat require setting a sensitivity level! And now the parent's unitcan talk to the baby! All these features and it's a free app!Nothing to buy. No subscriptions. Show support, tell yourfriends!Have an old android phone? Put that old phone to good use.On a trip away from home and forgot your baby monitor system, justuse this app on two android phones.Make sure both phones are connected to the same wifi for ease ofuse. Most phones don't require being on a charger. Some olderphones require being connected to their charger to keep the baby'sunit (the transmitter) wifi on. If your audio cuts off after thescreen goes off, plug the phone to the charger. Having it pluggedin is a good idea anyway if transmitting for a long period of timein the baby's room. This is only for the baby's unit.Now the parent's unit can talk to the baby unit! Use themicrophone button on the app. Sing sweet lullabies to yourbaby!The app will also warn the parent's unit when audio has not beenreceived from the baby's unit.Any issues please let us know. Any recommendations are alwaysappreciated.Permissions Explained:Wi-Fi connection: the app needs wifi to send the audio from oneunit to the other.Microphone: the app needs to turn on the microphone to hear theaudio.In-app purchases: for donations only, nothing to buy on this app.Still free to use!Identity: used by Google for in-app purchasing.Settings: needs to set baby unit ringer to silence.Keywords:Baby Monitor Wifi, wireless network audio transmitter receiver.
Ringer Silence Timer 1.1
Did you go to a meeting, event, or a movie andset your ringer on silent. At the end of the event, you forgot toset your ringer back to normal mode and missed important messagesor calls? With this app, you will never have to remember to set itback to normal mode. Just set it and forget it. Set your ringer tosilence only for a specified amount of time with Ringer SilenceTimer app and widget.The App:The app allows you to set your ringer to silent for a specifiedamount of time. After that time, the ringer will switch back tonormal mode. It has options for quick select, one click gets youthere and done, or Custom Time Set, where it let's you pick theexact time to switch back to normal mode. The idea was to keep itsimple because after all you are in a rush to put your phone onsilent. All button are on one screen.The Widget:It comes with a widget where you can set the time interval for thewidget button. Click it once, it sets the ringer to silent for thatmany minutes, e.g. 15 minutes. Click it again and it sets it to 30minutes. It even shows you the time the silence will end right onthe widget icon! The widget may be all you need to make it quickand easy to time your ringer silence.There will also be a notification to let the user know the phonehas a ringer silence timer. It can be canceled at any time byclicking on the notification.Try it. Don't forget to switch back to normal mode again. Usethis widget instead of the simplistic ringer mute button. Thewidget is just as quick. You will never forget to set your ringerback to normal again and you will not miss that important messageor call. Use it for you quiet, shush, or movie time!
Flashlight 1.01
This is a simple flashlight app. This apphastwo buttons to control the ON and OFF state. It lets you keeptheflashlight ON even after the screen is locked, which some othersdonot. It has no time-out so the app will stay ON until it'sturnedOFF intentionally.This app also lets you use your screen as a light in caseadimmer light is needed. The screen light button is located ontheside so that it can be conveniently pressed while holding thephonebackwards. If you want to move the screen light buttonjustlong-press it. This helps if you are left-handed and want it ontheother side or just want to minimize the button.The idea was to keep it simple and straightforward. There arenotbuttons on the middle of the screen so that you can hold thephonesecurely without accidentally turning on or off theflashlight likewhat happens on other flashlight apps.***Permissions required:Hardware controls"Take pictures and videos." This permission is to use the LED onthecamera to provide the light. No actual pictures or videos aretaken.It just needs the permission to use the camera's LED.System tools"Prevent phone from sleeping." This permission is required tokeepthe light on while the phone's screen is off.Hardware controls"Control flashlight." This permission is used on phones to turntheLED light on.***If you have any issues, just send them in.Send in the issue, the phone model, and android version.***Keywords:Flashlight App, Motorola Flashlight, Simple Flashlight,EasyFlashlight, Straight-forward Flashlight, Screen LightandFlashlight App.